
Lori McIntosh has been riding horses since she turned eight, starting as a camper at Triple R Ranch in Chesapeake, Virginia. She rode one hour every day over six days when at camp. The other hours she spent waiting for those six hours of riding.
After moving from Virginia as one of the most popular girls in junior high to a high school in Dallas, Texas, she became one of the most unpopular girls in school. Later, after graduating, she competed for the intercollegiate team at the University of Texas at Austin. Soon, she did a foolish thing, or not, and bought her first horse, Sorab, an experienced chestnut Thoroughbred using a brand new credit card she magically got as a student. She was judged in the arena for equitation and handling of the horse at Universities in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, and all over Texas.
She and her husband, Nigel, enjoy horse camping vacations. Lori “stole” Hot Wheelz from Nigel and rode three 100-mile races with him, plus many 50-mile rides along with several other disciplines. The family of horses expanded to Groovy, Jasper, Johnny Cash, and Donkey Oti. Sadly, Finn passed away in 2019.
Lori lives in Northern California, surrounded by trails. She rides her horses and has a business called Lori McIntosh Properties, helping people live in the country with their horses like her.